Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Mahavidyalaya
To provide a prioritized education which includes Agriculture, Healthcare and Technology with a special concern for agrarian community, women, socially deprived and poor.
1. To provide education for the upliftment of socioeconomic status.
2. To provide education to help the students individually in the rural areas to cross the hurdle of the poverty trap.
3. To aid educational association at educationally backward places in the district of Kolhapur and The State of Maharashtra to improve learning outcomes.
4. To step towards universalizing Science, Literature and Fine Arts.
5. To provide amalgamated universal education of co-operation to society and institutions.
6. To encourage the students with great aims and continuous acquisition of knowledge.
We are bound to the Gandhian thought of getting more from less for more and more people of the world.
We respect and are strictly obliged to the integral rapid connectivities like environment, people, economy, and ideas.
We strongly believe in the Aesthetic, Personal, Social, Moral and Behavioral values of education.