Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Mahavidyalaya

Phone: 0230 247 1086  |  Email: bacpvd54@yahoo.co.in

                               Establishment : 1979

Jayprakash Education Society’s

Barrister Tatyasaheb Mane Vidhyanagar, Peth Vadgaon, Tal Hatkangale, Dist-Kolhapur 

Affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhhapur

Alumni Feedback Form

Alumni Feedback Form

Dear Alumnus,
Thank you for considering Jayprakash Education Socityes Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Mahavidyalaya, Peth Vadgaon  (Kolhapur)   as a source of your graduate. This form has been designed to seek suggestions or comments from you about the college.

A. Preliminary Information.

* is indicated for all mandatory fields.

    • Name of the Alumnus*

    • Address of the Alumnus*

    • Contact Number*

    • Email ID*

    • Name of the course completed*

    • Year of completion of course*

    • Present Occupation/ Designation*

    Your Opinion About Our College

    1. How do you rate the courses that you have learnt in the college in relation to your current job / occupation?*
    ExcellentVery GoodGoodAveragePoor

    2. Infrastructure and Lab facilities:*
    ExcellentVery GoodGoodAveragePoor

    3. Faculty:*
    ExcellentVery GoodGoodAveragePoor

    4. Canteen Facilities:
    ExcellentVery GoodGoodAveragePoor

    5. Library:*
    ExcellentVery GoodGoodAveragePoor

    6. Office Staff:*
    ExcellentVery GoodGoodAveragePoor

    7. Educational Resources:*
    ExcellentVery GoodGoodAveragePoor

    8. Admission Procedure:*
    ExcellentVery GoodGoodAveragePoor

    9. Overall Rating of the College:*
    ExcellentVery GoodGoodAveragePoor

    10. Mention at least four points which make you feel proud to be associated with Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Mahavidyalaya as Alumni.*

    11. In what way have the development activities organized by the College contributed to your overall development?

    12. Do you have any grievances with the college ?

    A. As a student :*

    A. As a alumni :*

    If the answer is ‘Yes’, please specify / indicate the grievance.

    14. Are you a member of Alumni Association of our College?

    If the answer is ‘No’ please state the reasons.

    15. Any other suggestions / comments :